Birdie Tom Storybook

Autors(i): Juta Steel
ISBN 9789934075926 copy
Iesējuma tips E-grāmata Tips PDF Faila izmērs MB 12 Drošība Sociālais DRM

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Juta Steel (born 1986) is a Latvian sportswoman who has been training in various martial arts – Boxing, Karate, Kickboxing and Brazilian Jui Jitsu for more than 15 years and has won several National Championships in the U.K. Having the chance to share her life experience and inspire people is what brings fulfilment to Juta the most.

The story book about “Birdie Tom” that is being published simultaneously in Latvian and English compiles short, illustrated stories whose main protagonists are Birdie Tom, his mum, his best friend Danny, and others. In these characters and their adventures, children can recognize themselves and their friends in typical situations which require making the right decision. By befriending brave, lightly stubborn, yet kind-hearted Tom, the child will better understand the significance of courage, politeness and persistence, learn to fight for their dreams, help others and take responsibility for their own actions. The discussion topics and tasks following each story will allow parents to explore the book together with their children and enable teachers to use it during lessons.

Birdie Tom will inspire children not only to dream about big goals but also how to achieve them, be compassionate, kind-hearted and courageous.

Izdevējs Zvaigzne ABC
9789934075926 copy
Iesējuma tips E-grāmata
Autors (i) Juta Steel
Faila izmērs MB 12
Drošība Sociālais DRM

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